Patty Reimel Smith
Patty Reimel Smith RYT 200

Patty, RYT 200 started practicing yoga over 20 years ago. Her practice has changed her life by helping her grow stronger both on and off of the mat. Patty has completed certifications in Power Yoga and Yin. Patty is passionate about her practice and really enjoys working with adults and children. She has earned a certificate of competition through a program called Mindfulness Through Movement. This program was designed to help children and young adults learn simple breath and movement practices, an important set of self-empowerment tools, to help manage the stress of living in any environment so that they can relax more and open their minds to learn. Patty loves to share with others during her classes what she has learned from other yogis. “Teach this triple truth to all, A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”